A little Progress Every Day Leads to a Big Result.

A little Progress Every Day Leads to a Big Result.

A little progress every day leads to a big result


f  you are walking down the right path and  you are willing to keep walking, eventually  you will make progress” Brack Obama precisely said. It is because of faith, great pleasure and much optimism that am writing this piece to you as a way of informing you about the strides that we have so far taken. Surely as you will see all that has so far been done is due to your support and the selflessness of our team. We are very hopeful that more donors will continue to support our cause because it is for the betterment of an impoverished child and you all know that “learning can’t wait”. As we are looking forward to empowering these children with quality education by constructing a school, you contribution has surely yielded commendable results so far. We really thank you for your compassion and the good heart.

Firstly, as we started the project, we never had much vigor and confidence like we do have now. Your contribution has boosted our dynamism emphasizing that we are indeed fighting for good cause. A cause that we can never renounce until we see the fruits. We shall fight on. You have built confidence in us that the school will be built, books shall be bought, good teachers will be hired and the poor child of Ibanda will see light soon. All this we can visualize because of a few Euros we receive from you, your friend and all those with a heart like yours.

Secondly, with a small piece of land in our possession, we now intend to build a simple magnificent water fountain. This will help us to keep our vision alive as well as beautifying the area as we plan to increase on the size of land before we can start putting up structures. This can be done fast if you can help us publicize this cause because it has proved to be one of the few causes people are willing to support. Please share this information with your friends, your workmates and your organization. You could actually help us do this faster than anticipated. I believe that there are potential donors who are lacking information about our cause. Help to us create awareness.

We would like to inform you also that so far so good. We have not encountered any major setbacks as far our walk towards mission is concerned. We continue to hope that the progress remains accelerated and the year 2017 becomes a year to remember in the lives of the children of Ibanda and the neighborhood. With you we know we shall make it happen!

We wish you the best in all your endeavors. We would like to thank you once again and to urge you not to get tired of helping because more is still needed considering our budget estates. A piece of advice or a word of encouragement is highly valued and welcome. Even a small amount of 10 € won’t make you bankrupt but instead it will buy around 200 bricks and that is a huge contribution towards building a classroom for the children.

Thank you for visiting our page and continue checking our blog regularly for prompt updates on your project’s progress. You can personally reach us @ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or on face book:     https://web.facebook.com/StAndrews-Project-For-the-Young-Ibanda-Uganda

Kind regards,

Bwengye Anthony

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General Secretary
